Public Works

Leader in the public works sector thanks to the ability to deal with projects of all sizes and complexities
with innovative and sustainable solutions.


We contribute to the infrastructural development of communities

Renovalo S.p.A. is a leading company in the public works sector. With our experience, professionalism and commitment to excellence, we are ready to tackle projects of any size and complexity.

Our mission is to provide innovative and sustainable solutions for the infrastructural development of the communities in which we operate with a dedicated team of highly specialized engineers, architects and technicians for the management of the design phase of the works of architecture and engineering.

Thanks to 360° integrated design and the BIM methodology, Renovalo professionals are operational figures within construction sites, responsible for combining the digital world and the needs of construction site, with the task of predicting and resolving all possible interferences and simulating work planning.

SOA Certification

SOA Certification is a mandatory certificate that proves the economic and technical capacity of a company to qualify for the execution of public contracts and also confirms that the certified entity possesses all the requirements necessary for public contracting.

Some of our works

I.I.S. “G. Dessì” realization

Agricultural and Food and Wine Institute in Muravera (SU)

The intervention is financed by the European Union with funds from the Next Generation EU plan. 
The order, worth approximately 4.5 million euro, is expected to be completed within 418 days, will employ over 40 resources including workers and construction site technicians and, with a view to enhancing the local entrepreneurial businesses, will also involve local companies, thus as also defined during the tender procedure by the Province of Southern Sardinia.

The New Higher Food and Wine Agricultural Education Institute “G. Dessì", provides for the construction replacement of the school building present in the area with a project within the site already identified, located within the municipality of Muravera (SU).
The reasons that led to the need to demolish and rebuilding the building are many, as are the aspects evaluated with the preliminary study. First of all, the needs linked to school activities, but also the characteristics of the area in which the school is located and the possible availability of other areas suitable for the purpose. The current building (subject to demolition) was built with building permit no. 470 of 1974, intended for use as a boarding school.
The need for space has led, over the years, to its use for teaching activities, with adaptation interventions that have not made it possible to satisfy the needs of the educational institution which, at present, complains of a lack of functional spaces, despite the large surfaces available.
It should be considered that the demolition and reconstruction of the building with an almost similar surface area will instead allow us to fully satisfy the space requirements connected to the provision of the training offer. The project therefore responded to the Needs Framework expressed in the competition phase by designing a school complex, including a gym, for a total of 240 students.
The objective is to create an innovative school, capable of fitting into the natural and rural context of the area, qualifying it and becoming a strong attractor, giving the new complex a leading role in landscape redevelopment, making it a center of attraction and socialization both during school hours and extracurricular, ensuring implementation and flexibility of use for both built spaces and open spaces.

Vasto Municipality

Renovation and redevelopment of the municipal building

Intervention worth approximately 1.5 million euro financed with funds from the Next Generation EU plan. The intervention, lasting approximately 13 months, will involve the operations of approximately 30 workers including personnel from the subsidiary NR Roma and personnel made available by the subcontractor partners.

With the planning of the works, the Municipal Administration of Vasto, having assessed the need and opportunity to adapt the existing building with a refunctionalization of the same, so as to provide the community with adequate social structures, is moving towards a gradual process of improvement to increase the quality of the service offering in terms of safety, greater services and liveability of social buildings.

It should be noted that the financing of the work is carried out within the resources allocated in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Therefore, the execution of the works must be carried out in compliance with the technical guidelines established by the European Commission in the document "Technical guidelines on the application of the principle «do not cause significant damage» (DNSH), with the application of the Environmental Criteria Minimums, where applicable, to transversal principles, such as, among other things, the principle of contribution to the climate and digital objective (so-called Tagging), of gender equality (Gender Equality), the protection and valorization of young people and the overcoming of territorial gaps. The intervention in question, consisting of the demolition and subsequent construction of a new building, falls within Regime 1 - minimum requirements for compliance with the DNSH.
Furthermore, the demolition and reconstruction intervention is assimilated to new buildings construction, therefore the investment will substantially contribute to the mitigation of climate change by respecting the DNSH principles contained in Technical Data Sheet 1 "Construction of new buildings".

General Contractor expert in urban regeneration and renovation of building structures intended for public and commercial spaces, homes, offices and condominiums, mainly carrying out the activities of Architectural, Structural, Energy Design, Execution of interventions, consultancy and management support for the works.


via Giuseppe Arimondi, 3A - 00159 ROMA

+39 06 4543 9176